Abstract Submission


ACE 2014 Organizing Committee invites all participants to submit abstracts for Oral Presentations.


  1. Abstracts must be submitted only via the congress website www.ace2014.org (online submission)
  2. Abstracts received by fax will not be considered: If you have any problem with the on line submission, please contact the Organizing Secretariat: secretariat@ace2014.org
The deadline for abstracts submission is 24:00, December 31, 2013 in European Time Zone.
  1. Abstracts must be submitted and presented in English. Authors are responsible for typing errors and English grammar mistakes.
  2. Each abstract must not exceed 300 words (not including titles, authors name and affiliations). Tables and figures are not permitted.
  3. The heading should not contain abbreviations.
  4. Each author's name mentioned in the abstract must take place in the Abstract Form. The names must be written in the given boxes respectively.
  5. The name of the presenting author must be selected.
  6. The name of the university/company, department and the city must be indicated.
  7. The text box in the Abstract Form must only include the text of the abstract.
  8. The abstract must also be up loaded with word or PDF format.
  9. Notification of the outcome of the peer review process is scheduled for February 15, 2014.
  10. In the proceedings, co‐authors will appear in the order they have been assigned during submission.
  11. The presenting author of an accepted full paper must register for the congress.
  12. Please try to structure your abstract according to following the headings;
    • Objective
    • Method
    • Results
    • Conclusion
  13. The final decision about presentation style and name of the associated session will be made by the scientific committee.
  14. After submission of your abstract, you will receive a confirmation e-mail with a reference number of your abstract.
  15. Upon the acceptance of full papers, presenting authors are expected to register and present their works in the scientific sessions.
  16. Full papers will be included in the proceedings and the names of authors will be announced in the final program book only if the presenting author is registered with full payment by August 15 2014.


  • Building Materials
  • Construction Management
  • Geotechnics
  • Hydraulics
  • Mechanics
  • Reinforced Concrete Structures
  • Steel and Timber Structures
  • Structural Analysis
  • Transportation (one of the confirmed special tracks is on 'Advanced Network Traffic Management')